ČESMAD Slovakia, Slovakia’s haulage association, announced it would be organising the transport of humanitarian aid from Slovakia to Ukraine. It says lorry drivers from the country, fully aware of the seriousness of the situation, willingly boarded trucks with aid and headed to the border. Find more information on https://cesmad.sk/kategoria/25-aktuality-2/3389-cesmad-slovakia-pokracuje-v-pomoci-ukrajine?fbclid=IwAR3kvKg2sk8gmRPWFAVTUdHuVtfgtvhEE6sBsZipv8aA4pknhjzrp4uiGEo
ČESMAD Bohemia, the Czech Haulage Association is doing something similar. More information on: https://info.odoprave.cz/dopravci-nabizi-pomoc-ukrajine
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